Professional focus on producing simulated dolls
Professional focus on producing simulated dolls

With over 10 years of industry experience, we are able to provide high-quality and highly realistic reborn dolls.

High quality materials
High quality materials

Using high-quality materials such as silicone and vinyl to ensure the texture and details of the doll are realistic.

Handmade production
Handmade production

Each doll is handmade by experienced craftsmen, ensuring that each product is a unique piece of art.

Customized services
Customized services

Provide personalized customization services and create unique reborn dolls according to customer needs.

Comprehensive after-sales service
Comprehensive after-sales service

Provide professional after-sales support to ensure customer satisfaction after purchase.

- Every doll we produce has undergone another quality test. -

Professional focus on producing simulated dolls

Zhuhai Invem Electronic Technology Co. は 2016 年に設立され、模擬ベビードールの専門メーカーです。 当社の製品は高品質、高忠実度、絶妙なデザインであり、その職人技で知られています。 それぞれの人形は慎重に設計され、卓越性を追求して作られています。オリジナルの本物の赤ちゃんの外観と特徴。当社では、製品が関連する品質基準を満たしていることを確認するために、安全で環境に優しい素材を使用しています。同社はイノベーションと研究開発に重点を置き、さまざまな顧客のニーズと市場トレンドを満たす革新的な製品スタイルを常に導入しています。
  • 12 years
  • 2000 +
  • 10 million
    Sales volumes
  • 300 +
    Product type
Enterprise qualification
- Quality certification guarantee, complete patents, helping you use high-quality lighting products. -
Recyclable Materials
Recyclable Materials
Environment Friendly
The whole body is made of soft silicone material, and the skin color of the doll's body is artificially painted
Every doll we manufacture is of the best quality:
The material used for the doll has passed EN71/ASTM testing and certification, making it a reliable product made from high-quality materials. The silicone vinyl material we use meets the requirements of ASTM F963 and EN 71, providing you with an experience.
Corporate image
From 1 to N, witness our rapid growth
- The stories here are all about you -
20 Aug, 2024 3:12pm


フィギュアモデル玩具に一般的に使用される素材には、ABS、PVC、樹脂、ビニール、ドロッパー、PU などがあります。では、これらの素材にはどのような違いがあり、どのように選択すればよいのでしょうか?まず、それらの違いを見てみましょう。
19 Aug, 2024 5:09pm


社会的な問題や、出産の際の深刻な問題、馬鹿げた問題など。 Donec quam felis、ultriciesnec、pellentesque eu、pretium quis、sem。 Nulla consequat Massa quis enim。
19 Aug, 2024 4:40pm


Nytsd は、社会的な問題や、出産の際の深刻な問題、馬鹿げた問題などを扱っています。 Donec quam felis、ultriciesnec、pellentesque eu、pretium quis、sem。 Nulla consequat Massa quis enim。